Ermalia Normalita

Rp 450.000

*Price is Per Hour (Per Jam)

Ermalia Normalita adalah seorang konsultan yang sangat berpengalaman dalam bidang corporate consultancy, coaching, dan training. Termasuk diagnosis organisasi, desain dan fasilitator acara berskala besar serta staff development activity.

Beliau memiliki keahlian meeting planning and facilitation yang kuat, serta mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan semua tingkat organisasi dan membangun hubungan kepercayaan pada seluruh anggota tim. Kompetensi utamanya dibidang Corporate Culture, Knowledge Management, dan Human Resources Management.

Dalam proyek konsultasi dan program-program pendampingan, ia banyak terlibat dalam People and Organisation Development. Peningkatan kompetensi agar sesuai dengan standar kompetensi yang sudah ditetapkan dan perubahan perilaku karyawan agar sesuai dengan value atau nilai-nilai perusahaan; menjadi objective-nya.

Beberapa sertifikasi yang dimiliki nya, antara lain: Certified of Assesor BNSP, Certified of Master Trainer BNSP, Certified as Facilitator of Influencer Training™️ by VitalSmarts®️, Certified as Facilitator of Crucial Conversations™️ Training by Vital Smart®️, Certified Professional Coach, Certified in Dynamic Coaching®️, Practicing NLP Practitioner™️ by Victory Acces, Certified as Meta-States Practitioner by International Society of Neuro-Semantics.

Latar Belakang Pendidikannya adalah Doctor of Economic Management, STIESIA, Surabaya, Program of Research in Management for Strategy and Growth, Jakarta, Magister of Management, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta 2011, Bachelor of Economy (Sarjana Ekonomi), Mercu Buana University, Jakarta 2005.

  • *Problem Details

    Please provide a detailed description of the problem you are facing so that we can discuss it thoroughly and find the best possible solution(s).

    Supporting Files

    If you have any supporting files to discuss, kindly provide the Google Drive link by pasting it here.

    *Preferred Consultation Date

    Please select your preferred consultation date. In the event that the coach is not available on your chosen date, we will offer the nearest available alternative.

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Rp 450.000

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